The Report 6-6-21
Shinnecock Bay/Inlet/Ocean
The Shinnecock bay continues to produce bluefish throughout the bay. The blues have been taking all tins thrown at them as well as bucktails meant for bass and fluke baits. Fluke have been cooperating in the bay but mainly on the last of the incoming and all of the outgoing tides. The warmer water temp is the key to get the fluke snapping. The keepers are in the mix but a lot of fat 17"-18 1/2" fish are around. Spearing, squid, gulp and long strip baits are all working. Try jigging a bucktail with a high teaser to entice the larger fish. The striped bass are here with schoolie sized fish making up the majority of the residents. Some keepers are around and falling for bucktails in the inlet on the night tides. We did hear of a few bluefin on the troll but inshore not much to report.
The porgies continue to dominate the action out at Rogers Rock and near Jessups Neck. Bluefish are roaming the bay as well. The porgies are taking clam baits with some chum in the mix to get them under the boat. The blues are steeling clam baits and taking jigs in the rips. Weakfish are making a nice showing this season and are setting up in some of the deeper holes and taking jigs and squid baits on hi-lo rigs. Some schoolie bass are around as well and can be found around the small inlets.
The Shinnecock canal has a good mix of species to offer. Fluke to 6 1/2 lbs came from the canal this past week along with porgies, bluefish and a few blowfish. As always the bottom fishing is best when the locks are closed. The Shinnecock inlet continues the bluefish bonanza as it has for weeks now. Most fish are taking diamond jigs and other tins as well as bucktails meant for striped bass. The beaches of the bays are seeing blues too. On the ocean beaches the big bluefish are taking all tins.