The Season is Starting
The warm weather has really help the season along. The schoolie bass have spread to most early season spots including Quogue canal, Heady Creek, Peconic river, and many of the small inlets along the Peconic bay's southern shores even the Ponquogue bridge. Most fish are failing for rubber baits, Fin-s or Bass Assassin or the like. Those who choose a bit larger swimming plugs will cull out the smaller fish and target a keeper. Hearing more reports of keepers each day. Fairly quiet on the flounder reports but best bet is still Quogue canal. Cocktail blues have found there way to Shinnecock bay. Weighted in our first bluefish of the season today, Sunday the 23rd. Tough to get a weakfish report from our tight lipped customers but we do know they are here, they've been caught commercially locally in the nets. The fluke are in our bays, both Peconic and Shinnecock and chowing on the huge amount of spearing.