Shinnecock The bay in and around the inlet has seen bluefish, striped bass and a few fluke. For the most part the outgoing tides remain...
The Report
More of the same this week with fluke, schoolie bass and porgies to report. The fluke have been in both the Shinnecock and Quogue canals...

Fluke Opener Looking Good
Better reports have been filtering in most likely to the better weather. Reports have included striped bass, bluefish, porgies, fluke and...

Lots of bait in both Shinnecock and Peconic Bays. Bunker are everywhere along with a bit of butterfish with bass on them in the Peconics....

Fishing Report 8-25-19
East End BT Report 8-25-19 Shinnecock bay/Inlet/Ocean The fluke continue to account for most of the action in the Shinnecock bay of...

Happy Spring
Its that time of year again. Dust off the rods and reels and hit the creeks and canals. Small stripers and weakfish are moving around and...

The Stripers are Moving In!!!
Today marks the start of fall and the fall striped bass run. The south shore beaches are starting to show signs of life with stripers,...

Holiday Weekend Report
Despite the heat, people are still going fishing; and with some decent luck too. The ocean fluke bite has been steadily getting better....

Hot Fishing!!!
The fluke action has been good this past week. The east cut and the basket are producing some quality fish; as well as the ocean....

Summer Heat
Shinnecock Bay: Fluke are being caught in the basket and by Rampasture point. Lots of shorts and lots of robins mixed in but plenty of...