Good News!!!!
Reports have been coming into the shop on a daily basis of stripers on the beaches to the east and west of Shinnecock inlet. The...

Its Starting!!!!
I heard a report this morning that there was a keeper striper on the beaches in East Hampton. The bite was before sun up There was also a...

Striped Bass Season Opens This Sunday
Striped bass opens April 15th. The store is fully stocked and the reports have been coming in of schoolie fish in the Peconics and the...

The Snappers are In !!!!
Yes!!! The snappers are in; so grab some poppers and some spearing and head down to the canal. The best time to fish there is when the...

Welcome to Summer! Don't forget our fallen veterans
Just remember as you go out this weekend; to give thanks to those who can't be here so that you can. Now, on to the fishing. Peconic Bay:...

Fluke is Open
Yesterday's fluke opener was better than most expected; with fish up to 6lbs. coming over the rails in the Peconics. The Shinnecock canal...

It's Starting
Things are starting off well with a lot of buzz and traffic in the shop. We are fully stocked with all your baits and back to our seven...

There's Hope
Yesterday (4/19) I saw a winter flounder come into the shop. It was only 1 1/2 lbs, but at least the seals haven't gotten them all. On...

Stripers Opens Tomorrow
The season is upon us. Striped bass can again be a staple on your table or your camera (the latter would be better). The reports are...
Turkey or Bass
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Well at least is not to cold yet as we enter December. The bass are still being caught off the...